Leading academic centers, research institutes, contract research organizations and pharmaceutical companies worldwide rely on MediBeacon technology. More >>
Measurement of GFR is widely accepted as the best indicator of kidney function. A clinically practical and accurate real-time point of care methodology holds promise. More >>
Fluorescent agent angiography has the potential to aid in diagnosis and monitoring of vasculature leakage seen in Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration and Retinal Vasculitis. More >>
Intraoperative identification of ureter or ureteral injury is critical to prevent serious complications. Use of fluorescent agents could potentially aid in surgical visualization. More >>
Industry leaders including scientists and clinicians are behind fluorescence enabled technology that has the potential to impact global health. More >>
Jeffrey S. Berns “Clinical Decision Making in a Patient with Stage 5 CKD – Is eGFR Good Enough?,” American Society of Nephrology doi:10.2215/CJN.00340115 (2015).
Bruce A Molitoris, “Measuring glomerular filtration rate in acute kidney injury: Yes, but not yet,” Molitoris Critical Care 2012, 16:158, BioMed Central Ltd.