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MediBeacon featured on Fox 2 News, St. Louis

MediBeacon TM Inc., maker of a proprietary noninvasive real-time monitoring system for kidney function, was covered on St. Louis’ local affiliate, Fox 2 News. Below is a summary and link to the video segment broadcast on Wednesday, September 2, 2015.

POSTED 10:27 PM, SEPTEMBER 2, 2015, BY Roche Madden,

Click here to watch the full video segment.

ST. LOUIS (KTVI) - A St. Louis company is moving closer to releasing a first of its kind product to help people avoid devastating kidney problems. Dr. Kevin Martin specializes in kidneys and also works for MediBeacon in Creve Coeur. Dr. Martin said, “I think it’s very exciting it’s a huge development in the field.”

Employees at MediBeacon are very excited about a yellow liquid. It glows in the presence of light and could dramatically prevent kidney damage in tens of millions of people.

Dr. Martin said, “One would know within a short period of time within in minutes if the kidney is having trouble.”

Currently a patient has to undergo a series of blood tests, which can take hours or even days, before doctors know if the organs that rid the body of toxins are failing. And even that can be a guessing game. Dr. Martin said, the quicker you can correct the injury to the kidney the better off the patient would be.” Failing kidneys can lead to dialysis or even death. Steven Hanley is the CEO of MediBeacon, “With ours you’ll notice with an hour how your kidneys are doing.” It’s as simple as holding a light against the patient’s body. Here’s how the new system works. It has already passed some human trails.

The patented agent, the yellow liquid, is injected into the patient. A light is held against the person’s skin, a doctor can determine in real time if the kidneys are working and properly ridding the body of waste, they don’t have to wait and guess.

The liquid is nontoxic and is not radioactive. This start-up bio tech company could be good for St. Louis’ future. Hanley said, “We have less than ten employees today we expect that double we’re going to be using chemists and very highly educated people.”

He said he hopes to have the state of the art kidney monitoring system in hospitals by the end of 2017.
