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Short-term hypercaloric carbohydrate loading increases surgical stress resilience by inducing FGF21

Thomas Agius, Raffaella Emsley, Arnaud Lyon, Michael R. MacArthur, Kevin Kiesworo, Anna Faivre, Louis Stavart, Martine Lambelet, David Legouis, Sophie de Seigneux, Déla Golshayan, Francois Lazeyras, Heidi Yeh, James F. Markmann, Korkut Uygun, Alejandro Ocampo, Sarah J.Mitchell, Florent Allagnat, Sébastien Déglise & Alban Longchamp, "Short-term hypercaloric carbohydrate loading increases surgical stress resilience by inducing FGF21", Nature Communications, (2024) 15:1073,